If you close this list and want to see it again, you can left-click the minimap button or type /att to bring it back up. Topics Covered:This video covers the very basics of calling (using /att or /attmini) of All-The-Things and reviews how the addon breaks down the categories o.

It already knows what you have acquired, but by default it will want you to get every item with the same look still (i.e. We’ll go more into detail later, but you can open sections and navigate to specific subsections to figure out what you need to collect from anywhere in the game. ago Uncheck completionist mode in options. Each of the categories (Dungeons & Raids, Outdoor Zones, etc.) can be expanded with a left-click. The list on the right is the overall ATT list. If you close this list and want to see it again, type /att mini to bring it back up. In this example, I’m in my Priest order hall and have everything collected, so it tells me I’m 100% done here and can move on. The list on the left is the current zone minilist, which displays everything you need to collect from your current location. Sometimes Blizzard doesn’t autorefresh your collection, which causes issues with tracking. It’s also a good idea to do this fairly regularly, especially if you’re having issues with items showing as uncollected when you know you have them. We suggest that you SHIFT+CLICK the “ALL THE THINGS” header to force a refresh of your collection when you first install. These can be freely moved around the screen, resized, and closed.

I do not know what the difference is, but. Now the second one's checkmark is in a circle, and there is an asterisk. I've noticed 2 different checkmarks, one that says COLLECTED and the other ( ) COLLECTED. However I am confused with the Collected checkmark thing. There are two central lists displayed by ATT. I've recently gotten the ATT addon (i know, i know.) and I do like it.