Things that make you say Eeuuu! The movie is presented in it's original, widescreen aspect ratio and is enhanced for widescreen TVs. The fist time I saw this movie, have the time you had to squint to make out any detail in the murk, but not with this disc! Vibrant colors, deep, rich black, and lots of shadow detail make this version a joy to watch! There is an occasional instance of compression grain, but not enough to detract from the viewing experience. Score: 8 out of 10 The Video Looks great! The DVD is mastered from a cleaned up negative print and it looks great. Although it isn't as polished as the follow up sequels, Evil Dead is one of the classics of the genre.

The queer, canted angles are all creepy and threatening, the effects are sickening and totally overboard, and Exorcist like sound effects unnerving. The movie is easily one of the most inventive, gory and fun low budget horror movies ever made. What most people don't know, is that the Coen brothers also helped out on the film before their indie success.

The movie is directed by the now infamous Sam Raimi, who also directed movies like A Simple Plan, Dark Man, and the upcoming Spiderman. Naturally, our five young friends start coming to unpleasant ends. By reading the book, he unleashed an ancient evil that comes to possess the bodies of the living. The tape recorder holds the final record of an archaeologist who found the book and translated the passages.

The book is the aforementioned "Book of the Dead" and the knife is the "Knife of the Dead" naturally. In the basement of the place they find an ancient book, a tape recorder, and a creepy knife. Five twenty somethings go to a remote cabin in the woods for a little R&R. But for those of you newly born horror movie fans, here's the story. The Movie Before I tell you if the package really does feel like dead flesh, lets talk about the movie, shall we? Chances are you've already seen it so I won't spend too much of your valuable Internet surfing time talking about it.